by staradmin | Apr 9, 2019 | blog
Why rust forms in asphalt pavement and how to treat it. It may sound awkward but yes, asphalt pavements also rust — or more correctly they develop rust spotting and steaking. It is more common that you may want to acknowledge and is seldom addressed in...
by staradmin | Nov 15, 2018 | blog
This letter was written in response to a letter written by a property management engineer advising against sealcoating parking lots. He writes, “I’d like to ask you to reconsider this since my experience says that you don’t seal pavements as it leads to earlier...
by staradmin | Nov 14, 2018 | blog
9 Questions to Ask When Selecting a Pavement Sealing Supplier Whether you are new to the sealcoating industry or a veteran sealcoating contractor, your relationship with your material supplier can play an important role in the success of your sealcoating business. For...
by staradmin | Nov 14, 2018 | blog
Are they based on sealer concentrate or final sealer mix – and why you need to know the difference. Read full article at
by staradmin | Aug 24, 2018 | blog
STAR Specialty Technology & Research, Inc. is a major manufacturer of pavement sealcoatings with a comprehensive line of performance-driven, pavement maintenance products. STAR’s flagship sealcoatings STAR SEAL, STAR SEAL SUPREME and STAR MICRO-PAVE, have been...
by staradmin | Aug 21, 2018 | blog
Asphalt, asphalt pavements and roads have been indispensable components of modern infrastructure and industrial developments, making it is essential for a pavement professional to know the basics. Since the installation of the first asphalt pavement in 1870 by Edmund...